How to make DIY Soylent / Musclent (Part 1)

Thought I would give you a little insight into how you actually go about making some DIY Soylent as I was talking to a friend about all this and he was really keen to try this but had no idea where to start!

So I’ll take you through everything from having nothing and no idea of where to begin to having a cold glass of nutritious food.

Step 1: Set a Target

First and foremost you have to work out what you want from your diet (btw when I say “diet” I mean what you will be eating from day to day, not the interpretation that means you can only live off green leaves and the occasional Chai Tea) So you have to work out whether you want to gain/loose weight or whether you want to just stay the same weight. Do you want a six pack or do you want a serious bulk or something inbetween? It’s all possible.

Step 2: Sign up to DIY Soylent

Now that you know what you want from your diet, you can go create a profile at DIY Soylent’s website ( This website is super easy to use and it calculates all of the individual amounts of ingredients that you have to include to ensure you made the correct recipe for your powdered food (it’s basically a very fancy excel spreadsheet). There are also loads of tips and other DIY soylent recipes on there.


DIY Soylent

They also have a really useful video which will explain everything.


Step 3: Pick a recipe

Now that you are signed up to the DIY Soylent website, you can browse through all of the recipes for DIY Soylent on the site. You can even make or edit recipes on the website. I orginally started out by modifying People Chow 3.0.1 – “Tortilla Perfection!” which lead to me creating Musclent after some trial and error. The best way to start is to pick a recipe which has been tried and tested by others which you can also source the ingredients easily.


What a recipe will look like.

What a recipe will look like.


Step 4: Pick a nutrition plan

Once you have a recipe thats right for you, you need to choose a nutrition plan which you will follow. This allows you to check you are getting the right amount of nutrition that allows you to meet your chosen target. There are loads to choose from, some homemade and some from official government bodies like the ‘US Gov’s recommended daily nutrition plan’.

Nutrition Plan

The Nutrition Plan tells you exactly how much of everything you are getting and if you are missing something.


If you want to know more about nutrition or what’s what then there is loads of articles and handy calculators on nutritional page.


Step 5: Tailor the recipe to yourself

Now that you have a recipe and a nutrition plan you can easily tailor the amount of each ingredient to ensure that you meet the required amount of carbs/protein/fat and all of those lovely micro nutrients. This takes a little trial and error but it means you can perfectly tailor it to yourself. You can also just use a premade recipe and use their preset values.

Altering a recipe

This handy pop up window lets you perfectly alter the amount of each ingredient.


Step 6: Buy some ingredients

This one is super easy. Either from amazon or your local supermarket go buy all of the ingredients you require.

Step 7: Equipment

You will also need this equipment to make and store the powder and liquid:

  • Accurate Scales (At least to the nearest gram)
  • 2L jug (To store the liquid Soylent in the fridge)
  • Plastic food bags (To store powder)
  • Protein shaker/ Water bottle
  • Blender (Optional but will really help mix the ingredients)


With all of the above good to go then you are now ready to make your own DIY Soylent. I will continue this in part 2 as for the moment I have to break from international regulations and smash Chest Day out on a Sunday. Monday just wont feel the same.

Big Love
