Musclent, possibly the easiest way to Carb Cycle for a six pack!

It’s getting to that time of year again when the short shorts can be dusted off and the beach season is just round the corner, alas it’s time to start digging for those six packs again. Or if you’re like me the short shorts are always on the table, no matter what the weather conditions. Don’t let anyone ever tell you they are a bad thing, it’s a scientific fact.


Everybody loves short shorts.


I’ve been reading up for a while about the various methods of carb cycling and I think it’s exactly what I need to loose those last few pesky percentages of body fat.

So what is Carb Cycling:

Carb cycling is nothing more than eating more carbohydrates on some days (High Carb days) to help promote muscle growth and eating less carbohydrates on other days (Low Carb days) to help minimise fat gain and even promote fat loss. For instance:

Monday: High Carbs

Tuesday: Low Carbs

Wednesday: No Carbs

[and repeat for the rest of the week]

The training plan I will following will be like this:

Monday – Chest (High Carb)

Tuesday – Back (Low Carb)

Wednesday – Rest (No Carb)

Thursday – Legs  (High Carb)

Friday – Shoulders and Arms (Low Carb)

Saturday – Swim (No Carb)

Sunday –  (Low Carb)

As I am already quite lean I don’t have to particularly worry about going to mental with the no carb days or incorporating too much cardio in the routine at the moment. But this could all change if I’m not seeing results, in which case I’ll either adjust the diet or incorporate more cardio. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

The reason I said that Musclent was possibly the easiest way to carb cycle was that already I know exactly how many carbs I intake and measure them out when I am preparing the powder so it will be exceptionally easy to cut out carbs and will save me some money on Masa Harina. All I have to do is put less powder in the mix.

My plan to cut the carbs is to have 100% to 120% of my normal carbs on high carb days. To ensure that I am getting an adequate amount of carbs to kick start the old Insulin to direct the nutrients to my needy muscles for recovery. On low carb days I’ll go to around 40% to 50% of my normal carb range, although this should technically be called medium carb day. If 40% isn’t low enough then i’ll alter it. On no carb days I’ll simply have no carbs, however depending on how I am feeling I may bump my protein up on this day alittle if I need a pick me up.

Since this is the first time anyone has ever carb cycled on a DIY Soylent style recipe it will be really interesting to see how the body reacts to this, hopefully what I will find is 6 abs and potentially the worlds easiest method to get a six pack. I’ll be logging my progress so stay tuned.

Big love


P.S here are some useful articles for carb cycling: